社創工房 共塑深水埗
December 2021| 香港社會創投基金(SVhk)落戶在深水埗,見證社區急速轉變。近年大南街的發展令深水埗由「草根之城」化身「New Brooklyn」,更搖身一變,成為打入外國雜誌《Time Out》全球最型格社區第3位。文青店舖、唐樓及新型「豪宅」一一進駐,深水...
CO∙creating CO∙llectiveS
MO∙deling MO∙vementS
Impact Scan | Community Insights | Innovation Sharing
Impact Strategy | Design Sprints | ESG Prototypes
Impact Partnership | New Urban Movements | Changemaking Culture
Francis and Florence co-founded COSMOS in 2022, building on their work spearheading the "Business 2.0" movement that began at Social Ventures Hong Kong (SVhk) in 2015.
Together at COSMOS, our team aspires to redefine the role of businesses in our society for better collective futures for all.
2/F, Beverly House, 93-107 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong