企業推動社會創新 讓員工帶頭體驗
February 2022 | 疫情下,不少人試過在酒店staycation度假,但這些享受不是社會裡的每一員都可得到。去年香港社會創投基金(SVhk)跟城中某間大受KOL及港人熱捧的五星級酒店品牌合作,思考如何利用酒店設施和資源,推動社會創效,回饋社群。於是奇觀發生了—一...
CO∙creating CO∙llectiveS
MO∙deling MO∙vementS
Impact Scan | Community Insights | Innovation Sharing
Impact Strategy | Design Sprints | ESG Prototypes
Impact Partnership | New Urban Movements | Changemaking Culture
Francis and Florence co-founded COSMOS in 2022, building on their work spearheading the "Business 2.0" movement that began at Social Ventures Hong Kong (SVhk) in 2015.
Together at COSMOS, our team aspires to redefine the role of businesses in our society for better collective futures for all.
2/F, Beverly House, 93-107 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong